Electric Power Meters Telecontrol – Upcoming Publication
Lately we have posted no articles but the reason is because we are working on a new project. We are testing a data collection system for remote reading of energy meters (but also for those of gas and water) based obviously on Arduino! With this system you will be able to independently manage the values…
Applicazione per la telelettura dei contatori di energia elettrica – prossima pubblicazione
Ultimamente non abbiamo pubblicato nuovi articoli ma il motivo è perchè stiamo lavorando ad un nuovo progetto. E’ in fase di collaudo un sistema Applicazione+hardware di raccolta dati per la telelettura dei contatori di energia elettrica (ma in futuro anche per quelli di gas ed acqua) basato ovviamente su Arduino! Con tale sistema si potrà…
Arduino Remote Control ver. 1.2 – some minor updates
New update for the application to remotely control your Arduino board. The improvements of the app are as follow: 1. When you choose the icon to assign to the command buttons it appears temporarily to help in the selection. Some people gave us feedback: make the identification of the icons easier! 2. We have modified…
App Inventor – How to manage multiple languages in Android Apps
Hello, today we show you how to manage multiple languages within the same App leaving the user the choice. We have created a small application using App Inventor, and we share with you the project file (you may find the download link at the end of this article). This way you can see and modify…
Arduino Remote Control ver. 1.1 – some minor changes
First update for the Android App “Arduino Remote Control” ! With this release we have corrected some errors in the basic version and we changed the management of sending commands. Corrected errors are as follows: The ip address of the server was not saved exiting application Displaying some menu was wrong Some icons were not…
Remote control system ver. 2.0 – now it’s CSS powered!
Hi ! Here we have an update for Remote Control System … now it’s responsive web design. The sketch has been revised and simplified (you can still find the explanations of variables that you can modify to your liking). In your browser write your Arduino IP address or load webpage from your server (now CSS…
Arduino Remote Control ver. 1.0 – Android app to manage your projects
Here is a new app for Android by Bits from Italy! Arduino is fun and can be used in many useful applications. What we offer today is a Android app to remotely control your board, whether you are connected to a local network or via internet. You can set the icons, type the texts, select…
Remote Control System ver. 1.0 – manage your facilities remotely
Automation is a great thing but sometimes your devices are not ip-ready to manage them from distance. Car park management systems, service or industry that have no ability to manage Ethernet ports or interfaces and the need to operate remotely can now be accessed from lan or internet. I will show you a simple (and…
App Inventor and Booked Scheduler – starter pack
Hi, i’ve been working on an Android App for several months with the intent to login to Booked Scheduler server and manage bookings. The work is done (Bike Shuttle Torbole is published on Play Store, at the moment it is version 1.51) and I want to share with you what I have learned. What you…
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